Chasing sorrow

Her fingers quivered slightly as she used her other hand to run the shiny blade across her upper arm, she made a near perfect line right next to the older, half healed ones. Her breathing, which had been rugged and uneven when she had first entered the washroom now slowly found it’s original rhythm as the blood flowed down her pale hands. she sighed and leaned back against the toilet seat and closed her eyes. she had a few more minutes before her next class started, which meant she had half that time to cover up the wound with a fresh band-aid from her hand bag. But for now she just felt the numbness race across her hands, the pain was there but it was just a throbbing in the background…it would pass. Till she picked her wounds open again.

He couldn’t have been more then 18, definitely not more then 20. He stumbled across the dark street in the rain, occasionally missing his footing and reaching for the building to his right to help avoid a fall. To an outsider, he was just one more drunk guy trying to get where ever he was trying to get, there sure were a lot of those around. what no one noticed, thanks to the rain, was the tears running down his cheek. He had said nasty things to her and she had returned the favor, words cold as ice cutting through mind and soul was not something he was new to. He turned into a dark ally, started throwing up, lost his already damaged sense of balance came down on all fours in his own vomit, followed by another bout of throw up. Silent till now , it finally took over him as he shook bodily with waves of sorrow washing over him, rain, tears and vomit dripping down his face in the cold December night. No he wasn’t new to this, he had been down this road countless times, and he would probably be here again. And deep down inside, he didn’t really mind , this was after all, the only time he felt alive.

2 thoughts on “Chasing sorrow

  1. I really love the picture. It ties the whole story together and leaves a mysteriously dark image in your head as you read. Nice to see you posting again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Joiya 🙂 I had a blank period, it feels good to be back. As for the picture: I found it somewhere a while back, and unfortunately I can’t exactly remember where, to credit the artist.


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